Friday, December 26, 2008


According to a North Carolina school booklet, Slaves actually lived "a life of plenty, of simple pleasures" as opposed to the humiliation, murder, rape and torture that we know happened. The school is defending the booklet, and their decision to use it claiming that "You can have two different sides, a Northern perspective and a Southern perspective" according to the school's Principal Larry Stephenson. Last time I checked Larry, there were more than two perspectives on anything. Even slavery.

The two authors, Doug Wilson and Steve Wilkins have "essentially constructed the ruling theology of the neo-Confederate movement." According to the school. Doug Wilson is even credited with writing the book on classical education on which the school bases it's philosophy. But the insanity doesn't stop there.

Stephenson defends the schools decision by stating: "As a classical Christian school, we think it's important for our students to be able to think and not be slanted to a particular position," Stephenson said. "We want them to think for themselves." Despite the logic that suggests otherwise. The book clearly states that there is one opinion, and the history books are wrong:

"As we have already mentioned, the 'peculiar institution' of slavery was not perfect or sinless, but the reality was a far cry from the horrific descriptions given to us in modern histories." (pg 22)

The school claims that in public schools, students learn one position. "That's not education. That's indoctrination." says Stephenson. It may be important to identify and analyze the motication that caused the adoption of slavery as an institution. But saying: "There has never been a multi-racial society which has existed with such mutual intimacy and harmony in the history of the world" (pg 24) is far fetched and insulting.

Try Howard Zinn's The People's History Of The United States.

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